i.  Home team occupies the 3rd base dugout.

  ii.        Home team is responsible for field preparation.  Home team managers are responsible for re-scheduling. The Wasco Board will decide if fields are playable. 

  iii.        Coaches are responsible for their players and parents conduct during a game.  Any parent issues will be dealt with through the head coach.  If the offending parent continues, the head coach will be ejected.  If the behavior continues, the game will be forfeited.

  iv.        Make-up games must be made up before the end of the season.   Reschedules will be sent out as soon as possible.  

a. Coaches on the Playing Field

   i. 8U – 2 Defensive coaches are allowed on the field for instruction only, during the game.

  ii. 10U through HS - Only 1st and 3rd base coaches allowed on the field.

b. Area behind backstop is off limits to everyone.

c. No batter may warm up outside the on deck circle. On deck batter must be backside of the player up to bat.

d. Pitcher’s Plate Distance from Back of Home Plate

     i. 8U – 30 Feet – may be moved forward 3’ at umps discretion.

    ii. 10U – 35 Feet

   iii. 12U/14U – 40 Feet

    iv. HS – 43 Feet

e. Distance Between Bases

     i. 8U – 50 Feet – Safety Base to be used at first base

    ii. 10U/12U/14U/HS - 60 Feet – Safety Base to be used at first base


a. All players must wear their official team uniform.

b. Wearing of jewelry is prohibited unless it is religious or medical; then it must be taped down for safety.

EQUIPMENT – Must be adhered to during practices and game.

a. Metal spikes are prohibited. (The league recommends the use of soft rubber or polyurethane cleats.)

b. Balls
  i. 8U –10” ASA approved FP Optic Yellow
 ii. 10U – Any 11” ASA approved FP Optic Yellow, with COR of .47 or higher may be used.
iii. 12U/14U/HS - Any 12" ASA approved FP Optic Yellow, with COR of .47 or higher may be used.

c. Bats:
  i. 8U through HS - All bats must be ASA approved.

d. Catchers: Full equipment to be worn (helmet, mask, throat protector, shin guards. chest protector) by catcher.

e. Batting Helmets

  i. Batting helmet must be worn.

 ii. All batters, on deck batters and runners must wear helmets while on field and when taking warm up pitches.

iii. If the batter/base runners intentionally removes her helmet, the umpire will give a team warning for the first infraction, any further infractions will be an out and possible ejection.

f. The ASA hat rule has been waived.


a.    A game will be called if there is visible lightning in the vicinity.  Games will be resumed when there has been no lightning or thunder for a period of 30 minutes. All players must be removed from the dugouts and field areas to an area of safety.

b.    COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PROCEDURE: A player or coach who is bleeding or who has an open wound shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment has been administered. If medical care or treatment can be administered in a reasonable amount of time, the individual does not have to leave the game. The length of time that is considered reasonable is the umps judgment. If there is an excessive amount of blood on any part of the uniform, that part of the uniform shall be changed before that individual may participate.

c.     No foreign material (i.e. hitting devices) on the fence lines during a game.  No hitting balls into the fences.

d.    No "slashing" allowed.  (No showing bunt, pulling back and swinging away).  A batter that takes a full swing after showing bunt will be called out immediately and runners on base, if any, cannot advance.

PLAYERS - A player can only play on one team and one town in a season (excludes Wasco Warriors).  

Defense - Field 9 players (10 for 8U only);

  i. 8U – minimum of 6 players – 10th player in outfield, behind the baselines

 ii. 10U/12U – minimum of 7 players (outfielders must play in the outfield, or just at the outfield line)

iii. 14U/HS – minimum of 8 players - If only 8, the 9th batter is out. If a player leaves or is injured there will not be an automatic out if there are 9 players still playing. Coaches can amend this rule if both are in agreement on a per game basis.


  i. Batting Order: A continuous batting order shall be used by all teams. If a batter is hurt and cannot continue, the next batter takes her count. She may come back in to play when ready. Opposing team must be notified.
Playing Time / Positions

  i. 8U - Pitchers, catchers, 1B and 3B may play a maximum of 2 innings in these positions. 
 ii. 10U - A pitcher can pitch no more than 3 innings per game (Pitching to 1 batter in an inning will be considered a full inning.).

iii. 12U - A pitcher may pitch a max of 3 innings per game. Pitching to 1 batter in an inning will be considered a full inning.

 iv. 14U - There will be a limit of 5 (4 for fall ball) innings per game for each pitcher. Any team deliberately evading this rule shall forfeit that game.  When a pitcher throws one (1) pitch, it will be considered as one (1) inning pitched. A pitcher may only re-enter the pitching position one (1) time.

HS - There will be unlimited pitching

d. “Bringing Up” Players - During regular season & tournament play, you can bring an eligible player up if you have less than 9 players on your roster available.  An eligible player must be currently on the roster of a lower age team within the League.    Players of questionable eligibility must produce satisfactory verification within 24 hours of a protest.  Without verification, any games played with an unverified and/or ineligible player will revert to a forfeit.


a. Warm-up starts 30 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Each team has 15 minutes on the field. Home team shall have the field 30 minutes prior to game time, visiting team shall have the field 15 minutes prior to game time.

b. If the game is suspended prior to a completed game, when the game is replayed, the same runner shall be put on the same base and the same batter with same batting order shall resume until the game has been declared complete.


  i. 5 complete innings are to be played.  Games have a drop dead time of 60 minutes.   Unlimited scoring per inning once through the lineup up to ten (10) batters or 3 outs whichever comes first.


 Games are 6 complete innings, except when the home team has a large enough lead (see RUN-AHEAD RULE below).  In the case of games shortened by weather, a game will be considered complete after 4 1/2 innings if the home team has the lead; similarly, a weather-shortened game will be complete after 5 full innings regardless of score. 4 runs per inning max. Regarding regulation in-house games, ump calls final inning at 80 mins. Games may end in a tie in the event the last inning has been called. 

 7 complete innings are to be played (5 innings min). A completed game is 4 1/2 innings if the home team has the lead.  5 runs per inning max, 10 run max for the last inning .  Regarding regulation in-house games, the ump calls final inning at 80 minutes. Games may end in a tie,
7 complete innings are to be played (5 innings min). A completed game is 4 1/2 innings if the home team has the lead.  5 runs per inning max (10 in last inning)   Regarding regulation in-house games, the ump calls final inning at 80 minutes. Games may end in a tie 


8U – Not Applicable

10U through HS - If one team is ahead by 15 or more runs after 4 innings (or 3 ½ if the home team is ahead), 10 or more runs after 5 innings of play (4 ½ Innings if the home team is ahead), the game shall be considered complete. 

PITCHING - IHSA rules for pitching motion will be followed. (The pitcher may start with one (1) or two (2) feet on the rubber.) Pitchers re-entering the game the same inning will not receive a warm up pitch.

8U - Coaches are to throw 5 pitches to each player.  Players may strike out.  There will be no walks.

10U - Players pitch until the fourth ball. The offensive team coach will then come in to pitch  The coach-pitch will then pitch until the batter has struck out or put the ball in play.  The coach should remain in the circle when pitching and if the ball is put into play, allow the fielder to field the ball without interference.  The pitcher resumes with the next batter and the process is repeated. 

12U– HS - ASA Rules are in effect.



a. Batter's Box - No enforcement.

b. Bunting - Not allowed.

c. Foul Balls - N/A

d. Hit By Pitch - N/A

e. Dropped 3rd Strike - Not in effect.

f. Batting Tee - Batting tee is to be used after coach throws 5 pitches, for the next 3 swings. 

 a. Batter's Box - The batter is out if they step on or in front of home plate during the pitchers delivery.

 b. Bunting - Allowed.

 c. Foul Balls - Unlimited with 2 strikes.

 d. Hit By Pitch - Batter is awarded 1st base if reasonable effort was made to avoid being hit. If the ball bounces on the ground prior to hitting the batter and the batter has made reasonable effort, the batter is awarded 1st base.

Dropped 3rd Strike

1. 8U and 10U - Not in effect.

2. 12U through HS in effect.


 a. ASA Rules are in effect.



  i. Stealing -Not allowed.

 ii. Passed Balls - Not allowed.
iii.  Lead Offs - Not allowed.
 iv. Sliding -Not mandatory, but contact between runner and fielder should be avoided

  v. Baseline - Runners should stay within 3' of the baseline.

 vi. Infield Fly Rule- Not in effect

vii. If ball is hit into the outfield, base runner may advance as far as she can while chancing putout.


  i. Stealing - Not allowed.

 ii. Pass Balls - Not allowed.

iii. Lead Offs - Allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher's hand. Runners leaving the base too soon will be called out.

 iv. Sliding - Optional but runners must avoid contact when a play is made at 2nd, 3rd, or home or they will be called out.

  v. Overthrow - One base beyond the base being approached will be awarded if the ball goes out of play.

 vi. Baseline - Runner is called out when running more than 3' outside of the baseline.

vii. Infield Fly Rule - Not in effect.

viii. Dead Ball - Play is dead and runners cannot advance once any infielder has possession of the ball in the pitchers circle. (Ask ump for clarification of Dead Ball vs. Live Ball.)

  ix. Continuous Walk  - Not in effect.

   x. Runners can advance on "pick off" play.


   i. Stealing - Allowed for all bases.

  ii. Pass Balls - Allowed                                                       
 iii. Lead Offs - Allowed only after the ball has left the pitchers hand. Runners leaving the base too soon will be called out.

  iv. Sliding - Optional but runners must avoid contact when a play is made at 2nd, 3rd, or home or they will be called out.

   v. Overthrow - One base beyond the base being approached will be awarded.

  vi. Baseline - Runner is called out when running more than 3' outside of the baseline.

 vii. Infield Fly Rule - In effect.

viii. Dead Ball - Play is dead and runners cannot advance once any infielder has possession of the ball in the pitchers circle.

  ix. Continuous Walk - Not in effect.


   i. Slide rule: “When a defensive player has the ball (OR THERE IS A PLAY ABOUT TO be  OR BEING MADE) and the runner remains on her feet and deliberately, crashes into the defensive player, the runner will be declared out.” And possibly ejected for malicious contact.   A runner may slide into the fielder.  There will be NO PROTESTS, umpires will make all calls.



  i. Parent/coaches umpires will be utilized (1 from each team).

 ii. Decisions - Decisions by all umps are final. There are no provisions. Appeals must be made prior to the next pitched ball. Unless appealed, an ump cannot call a runner or batter out.

iii. Interference - No penalty.

 iv. Thrown Bats - Upon the umps judgment, a thrown bat will result in the batter being called out.

  v. Weather - The ump will, in consulting with the coaches, suspend a game if lightning or the assumption of lightning is present.


 i. paid umps will be used.
ii. Decisions - Decisions by all umps are final. There are no provisions. Appeals must be made prior to the next pitched ball. Unless appealed, an ump cannot call a runner or batter out.

iii. Interference - Base runner is out if interfering with a fielder attempting to field a batted ball.

 iv. Thrown Bats - Upon the umps judgment, a thrown bat will result in the batter being called out.

  v. Weather - The ump will, in consulting with the coaches, suspend a game if lightning or the assumption of lightning is present.


  i. Patched umpires will be used when possible 


1. 14U – Two (2) patched umpires will be provided for the final round of the tournament if possible 

2. HS – Two (2) patched umpires will be provided for the final round of the tournament.


a. ALL COACHES/players/parents/guests, regardless of residence, town association, and/or prior completion of any other Code of Conduct, will be held responsible for their behavior at any field, or location being sponsored by Central Kane County Softball Organization.  Negative behavior that cannot be resolved within their organization will be brought forth to the Board of the Central Kane County Softball Organization for review.  If the infraction(s) is not resolved to the satisfaction of each town’s representative, then a citation may be imposed on that organization as a whole.  Three (3) infractions in one (1) season will result in suspension of the entire organization from play within the Central Kane County Softball Organization.


 a. DROPPED THIRD STRIKE: Dropped third strike is when the catcher fails to catch what would be the 3rd strike call before it touches the ground when there are fewer than 2 outs AND 1st base is unoccupied OR anytime there are two outs, the batter can run to 1st base. The batter will be called out if tagged by the catcher with the ball or if the batter "checks" herself out by walking to the dugout (or out of the baseline). The catcher may pick up the dropped ball and attempt to throw the batter/baserunner out at first.

  b. CONTINUOUS WALK: Continuous walk is when the batter becomes a baserunner by being awarded 1st base on balls and continues past 1st and goes to second. The batter who is now a baserunner - once committed to going to second must continue to second at their own risk.  They cannot stop or hesitate on the attempt at second base while the pitcher has the ball in the circle unless the pitcher makes an attempt at a play on the runner.  If the batter stops / hesitates after rounding first base while the pitcher has the ball in the circle without an attempt being made on the runner, the runner will be declared in violation of the look back rule and called out.

  c. IN-FIELD FLY RULE: Infield fly rule is when there are runners at 1st and 2nd OR bases are loaded with less than 2 outs and the ball is popped up into the infield. The umpire shall call "Batter is out" or some variance thereof, and the runners may advance at their own risk.

  d. PASSED BALL: a passed ball is a legally pitched ball that should have been caught but gets by the catcher. The runners (including the batter) may advance at their own risk including stealing home.

 e. STANDINGS: Results of all games shall be sent by email to the hosting league within 24 hours of the start time of the last regular season game, by the director of each individual league.  In the case of a tie for first place, a 1-game playoff will be held (location to be determined by a coin toss).  A tournament will be held for each division (excluding 8U) at the end of the season.  Standings will be decided by win-loss percentage; if tied then head-to-head, then total points.